A Time For Us



It's nice to know that there are people in life you can always rely on to make you smile or give a shoulder you can lean on. To those people I am eternally grateful for your caring hearts. I'm coming to this state where I feel a bit defeated in this writing of mine, as well as other things. My photography is lacking, and my frustrations over wanting a better digital camera is starting to dig so deep under my skin. It makes me want to scream so much. I'm not satisfied with the one I have now, knowing my shots could be so much better. I'm so irritated by how it blurs pictures, when I know i'm holding it as still as possible and my subjects aren't moving. I loathe how I can't seem to get it right anymore.

I DON'T GET IT! Why am I suddenly not satisfied with the product of what I'm getting out of it now? Striving for better, for more. I don't like feeling so blah about things.

I don't even know what i'm blabbering on about anymore really. Only that i'm so frustrated, that I want to do better things.

My itch for photography only grows stronger, and the frustrations I have about not having the camera I want to be able to appease that itch is driving me up a wall. It's like I can't move forward. It's as if I'm trapped waiting and wanting.

I really just wish I had all the money in the world to take care of my family and some of my wants and needs, but my family comes first even if i have to wait years for that camera. I want to cry out all my frustratations and be done with the yearning and wanting, but I know that unless my interest for photography wanes and disappears I'll always be wanting to move forward with it and see what wonderous things might happen from it.

Damn these ambitions.

11:27 p.m. - 2006-04-10


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